
The Giant and the Kinnari

Once upon a time there was a giant who lived in a slanted house. He did not live there alone, but with his normal-sized family members: his mother and sister. There was also a father, but he spent more time at a large lake in the south of the country. In the lake, it was said, there were many treasures. The father regularly traveled to this lake and searched for them. But he was so obsessed with it that he unfortunately forgot about his family and did not return.  The family was very sad about it, but had to learn to live without the father. However, there were more and more quarrels between the siblings. The mother tried again and again to reconcile the two, but one day gave up exhausted. Thereupon, the giant decided to go into exile - in a dark cave. The giant lived in this dark cave for several years, without many contacts and in his own thoughts, which were just as dark. He felt lost, not understood and like an outsider. He was also tired of being a giant, because the people he knew who sometimes came to visit him assumed he was strong. No one took his dark thoughts seriously. He could no longer hear the phrases "it'll be okay" and "it's just a phase." Deep inside, he longed for someone who would just listen to him without judging, someone he could confide in without running away, someone who not only saw his greatness but really perceived him - all his facets. Where would he find such a person? Certainly not in this dark cave, he realized one day. And so he left it to go in search of him.
His first destination was a place full of giants. Where else would they understand him? Surely they had the same problems as he did, he thought to himself. After all, we are all giants. And sure enough, he found a friend - Jafar. The giant and Jafar became best friends. They shared the same thoughts, ideas, did sports together, discovered party life and fell in love at the same time. The giant was happy among the other giants and with Jafar. He also met a beautiful giantess and spent 6 years with her. But then something changed. He suddenly wondered if that was all. Should he go on like this forever? Or was there more out there? More parties? More beautiful women? Why should he settle here? Was the grass greener somewhere else? He began to get dissatisfied and question everything. He argued with his companion and with Jafar. And when the disagreement escalated, he made the decision to move on.

He came to a new place, which was full of different colorful people and creatures. There were elves, dwarves, orcs, hobbits, fairies, creatures whose name he didn't even know and the giant found it wonderful. He loved to learn new things, approached every creature and talked to them. He tried new hobbies, discovered restaurants with delicious food, kissed the most beautiful women. Here he really blossomed for the first time.

But the good times did not last long, what followed was a disaster. One day the world decided not to be as it once was and everything changed. Many beings had to leave the city and go back to their homeland. Only the strongest were allowed to stay. The giant was one of them. He was fortunate in that he was perceived as strong because of his size and also held a special position in the city. The strongest were the eastern beings, whose name he still did not know. He simply hadn't had time to talk to them yet. However, he learned from various sources that they were discriminated against. They were being blamed for something they could do nothing about. This went on for 2 years until everything slowly calmed down again.
And that's when it happened: he was finally able to talk to one of these eastern beings, and the most beautiful one he had seen so far. Her name was Kinnari and they met during one of his favorite hobbies. In this hobby they got very close physically, they flew together and they had to trust each other. Kinnari made an open and athletic impression on him, but the closer he got to know her, the more confusing he found her. Were all eastern beings like that? What exactly was she again? They had talked a lot in the beginning, but unfortunately he couldn't remember everything. Anyway, her body, a mixture of swan and human, was beautiful. She moved gracefully, liked to dance with her magic hula hoop and sang songs she knew from her childhood. 
Kinnari was attracted to the giant from the very beginning. She wanted to see him as often as possible and therefore took every opportunity to pursue their common hobby. Often they talked more than they flew together. One day she gathered all her courage and invited him to a party. She hoped to spend more time with him there and she wanted to know how he behaved outside of their hobby. But unfortunately the giant couldn't come to the party because he was already invited to another one. The giant was very popular and was invited to many parties, he told her, and sometimes it stressed him out. Kinnari didn't know stress. Not that kind, anyway. 
On the evening of the party, Kinnari had a lot of fun with her friends, but her thoughts kept wandering to the giant. I wonder what kind of party he was at? Did he have to think about her, too? To get rid of the thoughts quickly, because she wanted to be in the here and now, she drank a lot of a green magic drink with her best friend Fairy, which made you all funny and wobbly on your feet. Her Fairy Friend was known to always carry a lot of this drink and could always encourage her friends to drink along. However, when everyone had had enough of the magical swill and was tired, the party ended. Kinnari didn't want to go home just yet, though, so she called the giant. She had drunk enough to have the courage, because the magic drink was always reliable! 
And so it happened that at dawn she sat on the giant's balcony and talked with him for hours. This was the beginning of their magical connection. From now on, they spent a lot of time together. They cuddled, talked, ate, pursued their hobbies and even attended parties or yoga retreats together. The giant could relax with her and she could be herself. They confided things in each other, whined, laughed, annoyed each other, had the occasional discussion and misunderstanding, but they were always drawn to each other, like magnets, nothing was forced, everything had its flow. They rarely talked about their magical connection, but Kinnari reminded the giant now and then that she had to fly away soon, her nature demanded it so. She could not stay in one place all year. But the giant only grumbled something unmistakable and they fell silent. 

The more time they spent together, the more Kinnari liked the giant and she began to ask herself questions. But did it even make sense to think about it, since she knew she would fly away? Sometimes she lost herself in dark thoughts and never wanted to see him again. Sometimes she wanted to confide in his friends, a beautiful elf and a humorous Kitsune. Sometimes she would go crazy with longing and desire and the next moment, she would get angry at all the emotions he caused her. She didn't want to show any weakness. But as her thoughts and emotions became more and more unbearable for her, she needed clarity and remembered that vulnerability was her true strength.

After much deliberation and many tears of fear as the time of her departure approached, she decided to tell him everything. And so she wrote a story whose end she did not know.
Photos from Pinterest / Fairytale inspired from my love life / There was no happy End. 
I hope you enjoyed this Fairytale anyways!
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad <3

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