Hello and welcome to today's post, this time in english! I thought it's time again to write some little post in english because I'm in the mood of it, I hope you enjoy it! In this post I will show some pictures from last week with my dog Lilly. On Tuesday I visited her at my Dad's place and on Wednesday I took her spontenously with me home and spend with her much time in nature. I really misse my little wolf since I'm living in the city and not anymore in my homevillage so I really enjoyed the time with her and she did enjoy her little "vacation" too :)

Tuesday, 17.07.2018 - Meadows & Fields in my homevillage
On Tuesday evening
I walked with Lilly through nature in my homevillage. There are a lot
of different fields and meadows, also you can find cows, goats and
horses. I really love this kind of landscape, because I grew up here.
Before I had Lilly my siblings and me used to stroll around here with
our bikes or inline skates. I also often walked here around with my aunt
and her dogs I grew up with. When I think back to this times I have
always to smile - good old childhood memories! I will always feel home
and safe here.

Wednesday, 18.07.2018 - Lake in my District / Karlsruhe
On Wednesday my boyfriend and me visited together with Lilly the lake in my district. It's really nice that we have here a lake even I would not recommand to take a bath here :D but you can walk around, rest on a bench, you can do a little picnic on the beach / meadow and just enjoy the nature. Lilly wanted to play with a stick of course because I forgot her frisbee at my Dad's place and she's addicted to evertyhing you can play with! It was really fun to play with her because at some point she did not find her stick and I had so hard to laugh my tummy hurted!!! Love this little dumb dog haha. But most of the time she's luckily not dumb because hey she's a half border-collie ! The other half is called "Leonberger". You can compare this breed with a "St. Bernad"
Thursday, 19.07.2018 - Forest in Karlsruhe
Last but not least I did my last evening walk with her in my beloved forest. Because as you know I'm a forestgirl and she's my little wolf - like Pocahontas and her companion the racoon! What else can I tell you? Well we did a little workout in the forest. A little "Agility" Session I would call it - just jumping on tree trunks and so on. It was very good for me and for her because after that we were both dead and wanted to go home haha :D so it's always fun to spend time in nature with my little wolf!
On Friday afternoon my Dad picked her up at my place and I had to say goodbye again. But luckily I can easily visit her or like this time, "steal" her for some days ;) For me it's always hard to spend time in nature alone and not with her because I used to walked with her every day for crazy 7 years...
So here are my three favorite Postings from the beginning with Lilly. She will always be my favorite model (I started with photography when she came to us in 2009). Enjoy!
Scheint als hättet ihr ein paar sehr schöne Tage gemeinsam verbracht! So einen See ums Eck zu haben ist sicherlich praktisch. Nun gut, du meinst ja, dass man dort eher nicht baden sollte?! Warum? Jetzt bin ich neugierig. ;) Aber meine laue-Sommerabend-Ausflüge-zum-Badesee-Vorstellung ist damit ja dahin. ;)
AntwortenLöschenDankeschön für all deine lieben Worte! Zum neuen Design und dem Post. Freut mich wirklich total, dass beides sehr gut ankommt! :)
Bei uns ist eben Italien näher als Frankreich. Daher bietet sich das eben an. Schon lustig, wie das von Region zu Region oft verschieden ist. ;)
Ach ja und ein Open Air Kino auf einem Berggipfel gibt's sogar öfter. In der Theorie. Stattfinden tun die dann wegen dem Wetter einfach nur nie...