
The forest in Karlsruhe #neverstopexploring

Hello and Welcome to one of my rare english posts. Earlier this year I decided to write sometimes in english but unfortunately I only did it two times before (click here and here). So I thought I would be time again to write in english, because I want to improve my english writing skills. I hope you enjoy it and my grammar will be not so bad!
In this post I want to show you some pictures from last Saturday (12-17-2016). My Sister visited me together with my dog Lilly in my new apartment in Karlsruhe. Together we baked some christmas cookies, explored the "Hardtwald" forest and had a fun sister-time. It's a  tradition that my Sister and I bake every year during christmas time together some cookies, because we don't have a grandmother or mother who's baking with us as in our childhood. All we have is us! (and my other sister but unfortunately she didn't want to bake with us because of a teenage-crisis, you know).
I also went the first time to the forest here since I'm living in Karlsruhe. At Home I always had a walk with Lilly in our village forest and loved it. But the Hardtwald is really nice too! Two years ago my boyfriend and I took these pictures there (in a different part of Karlsruhe), but the forest part where we live now is a bit different. The forest is really big and for our first walk my sister and I decided to follow the "Karl Drais Trail". It's only one way straight to my street, so we couldn't get lost :D
A big difference between the "city forest" and my "village forest" is also that you have to leash your dog, so Lilly couldn't run free. At one hand I think it's good because she can't have trouble with other dogs or animals but at the other hand I was used to let her free in my village forest, meadows and fields. I love to see my dog run free and wild and in the forest it is the perfect setting, I think. I always call Lilly my little Wolf, and a wolfs natural habitat is the forest.
But nontheless I leashed Lilly because I don't want to have trouble with other dogs, dogowners or with the Office (Ordnungsamt) in Karlsruhe. Sometimes you have to follow the rules! And in my village she has still the opportunity to run free and be wild!
 Want so see more Forest pictures? Take a look at these postings: 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Jasmin,
    wow! Das sind wundervolle Fotos vom Wald. Bei uns in der Nähe gibt es auch einen großen Wald und verschiedene Seen, der Wald bei dir gefällt mir aber besonders gut.
    Ich wusste gar nicht, dass du noch zwei Schwestern hast :-) Ich finde es sehr gut, dass du mit deiner Schwester die Plätzchen backst. Ich denke, die "perfekte" Familie findet man nur sehr selten oder im Bilderbuch. Also mach dir nichts draus, dass du keine Oma oder Mama in der Nähe hast :-*Man muss immer das Beste aus allem machen und hey, es gibt Kinder, die Eltern in ihrer Nähe haben, aber keine Lust mit ihnen zu backen :-D Ich denke, es gibt echt alles.
    Ich drück dich ganz doll liebe Jasmin :-*
    Der Post hat mir wirklich super gut gefallen!
    Viele Grüße

  2. Echt tolle Bilder !!

    Liebe Grüße
    Cyra von:


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