
A happy dog life

“It all started when my siblings, my mom and my aunt were visiting a friend of my human.  My siblings and I were running through the flat and had fun chasing each other when suddenly the door opened and two young female humans walked in. They walked to us with a big smile and bright shining eyes. We thought: “oh new playmates, how great” and jumped on them. One of the girls looked at me and I don’t know what exactly happened but suddenly I felt a strong energy while looking into her eyes. The Girl said to my human’s friend: It’s her.  
She named me Lilly, after a very famous witch, even I don’t know what a witch is but I really liked my new Name. It was better than sweetie, cutie, puppy and all the other names my human called me before. Actually I never had proper name until the Girl gave me one. The Girl’s name was Jasmine and she was a princess. I also didn’t know what a princess was but I found out very soon. The other girl was her younger sister. 
 This is how I remember our first meeting,” Lilly told her new friend. Amy had just arrived yesterday and had been confused. Lilly had sensed this and had immediately taken care of her. “Well tell me more of your life with Jasmine and her sisters?” asked Amy.

“Well at first everything was exciting and new. We had a lot of fun playing together in the meadows and fields and there was a beautiful forest. The best thing was that my brother Sky was also with me. I could meet him whenever I wanted because his new Dad was a relative to Jasmine and lived in the same house. Sometimes I stayed with them during the day. But at some point Jasmine and their family left me alone in our apartment, they stopped brining me to my brother, and I really didn’t like that! It was so boring and I missed them so much. I cried a lot and could not understand what I did wrong. Luckily they came back every time but it took ages! And then they started to complain and get angry with me.  Amy was shocked. Why did they become angry? Well every time when they left and they forgot to close the kitchen door I went inside and found a lot of delicious food. Lilly smiled. They didn’t like that. Amy smiled too.

What is your favorite memory with them? 

Oh this is a hard question to answer. Lilly thought about it for a while. I think all the times when we spend time together in a different place. They used to take me everywhere and I loved it! I met so many different people, other dogs, I smelled the most interesting things and the last time it was only Jasmine and me. We went to a lake and beautiful forest. We walked a lot and even it was very exhausting I felt very connected to Jasmine. It was also our last trip together. It was not about the places we went to, it was that they brought me with them, you know? I was never a burden. We were a Team, inseparable.

You always talk about Jasmine. What about the other family members?

Well Jasmine was my Mom. The other ones where like my siblings. I played with them, I cuddled with them but they were not so strict like Jasmine. Also at the beginning I was not so close with the male persons. I remember that I was aggressive to the them until they gave me food regularly. Then I started to like them. Actually they were never a bad guys but I had the feeling that they never really wanted me or were interested in me. At least not as much as the girls. At the End I lived with the oldest of the guys together and died in his arms. Jasmine was not there, neither the girls. Are you sad about this? No I’m not sad. At some point I think it was better that they didn’t saw me like this. I was really sick and not myself. I could not do anything. My strokes were to exhausting. 

What do you think is Jasmines favorite memory of your time together?

I know exactly her favorite Memory. It was a beautiful spring day and we were playing Frisbee in the park. At some point Jasmine threw the Frisbee in a bush next to a small lake and I ran into the bush to get the Frisbee. When I arrived at the Frisbee I discovered ducks in the bush and had to chase them! The ducks tried to escape and went into the lake and I jumped after them! It was so fun! Jasmine was standing in front of the lake calling my name, laughing and crying at the same time. She was not mad at me for this, I think she was proud! 

That sounds like a good and happy dog life. Thank you for telling me your story. When I came here I was really confused. I didn’t know what happened. But now I understand that I’m dead. That’s why I met you here. You had to tell me your story.

I had also a great kitty Life with my humans. My favorite person was Julia. She was my girl. Even I showed my love for her not in that way I wanted to. I mean, I’m still a cat and not a dog who thinks humans are gods. I am the god! Sometimes you have to remind them. But of all stupid humans I ever met, Julia was my Jasmine <3

I hope one day we will be reunited. 


Im Memory of Lilly & Amy

I'm sure you are friends in heaven.

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