
In love with mother nature

As you may know I'm a nature child. I grew up in a small village in south-west germany, near the rhine and I totally love the life here, with so much nature, silence and fresh air. I still live here and can't imagine to live in a full city. like Berlin or Hamburg Well, maybe for a few months or years, but some day I want to die surrounded by mother nature. My biggest dream is to live in a jungle, with the sound of animals, nearby a waterfall, beautiful plants and to live in a treehouse.

Mother nature has so much to offer. 

Great Sunrises and sets, beautiful landscapes, vulcanos, mountains, deserts, forests, all different kinds of animals or plants e. g. big mammut trees or small bonsai trees (I have one and totally love it), the sounds of the wind, the power of the ocean, endless beaches, waterfalls, jungles, rain, even stones. Mother Nature is simply beautiful and amazing! And you can eat so much great frutis & vegetables of course! My favorite fruits are ananas, mangos and at the moment pomelo and my all time favorite vegetables are red peppers and tomatoes. My dream is to own a garden when I'm older and grow my own vegetables and herbs. I want to live with nature and not against it!

You can do so much outside. 

Think of summer months. Warm weather, riding bikes, lying at the beach or sea, hiking/trekking, spending time in the mountains, doing water-skiing, surfing or just relax with friends at the park or at a campfire and of course camping in the woods / nationalparks. In winter you can also do a lot of things outside, when you have the right clothes. I only say: Do you want to build a snowman? (I'm such a disney freak I'm sorry). Snowboarding, walking with your dog (or without), skiing, driving snow mobils, spend a night in a iglu, ice skating, snowshoeing, toboggan - there a so much activities you can do in nature! And by the way it's healthy to go outside, breath the fresh air and enjoy!

You can learn from nature.

Listen to the sound of wind, listen to the birds, listen to river. Listen deep inside of you and you can understand everything better. You can calm down, reduce stress, enjoy the moment. When I'm in nature, I have no mobile phone with me. I don't need it here. When I observe animals, plants, rivers or other things in nature I can learn from them. Every spring, there a new flowers. In autumn they die. Life changes. So are you. The World needs changes and the nature needs rain to grow flowers.We can so much learn from nature, we just have to open our eyes for all the beautiful things there. Albert Einstein once said "Look deep into nature and you will everything understands better."
I think these are the top three reasons why I love nature so much. My favorite activity in nature is my morning walk my dog. While I lived with my boyfriend, some weeks ago, I missed this so much. It's so beautiful to go outside in early morning (about 6 am), to go around with my dog, listen to the morning sounds in the fields and meadows, wake up and be ready for the day. But of course I also love all my nature trips so far. I totally fell in love with the jungle in Chiang Mai and Indonesia, the mountains in Germany and the sahara desert in Morocco and all the other beautiful landscapes and beaches I saw. And I love nature movies. My all time favorites are Disney's Lion King, Pocahontas and Princess Mononoke and My Neighbour Totoro from Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Gibhli. But I also like Into the Wild and documentarys especially from the german nature- and animal film maker Andreas Kieling.

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today. Dale Carnegie
Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/dalecarneg106496.html?src=t_nature

 "One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today." - Dale Carnegie

3 Kommentare:

  1. wow, wow, wow. Bei den Aufnahmen könnte ich wirklich dahin schmelzen!

  2. I can totally understand your feelings! I grew up in a small town near Frankfurt and although I love being in the city I could not imagine to live there... My dream is it to live close to city but also close to nature, I think a mixture of both is a good option :)
    Lovely pictures!
    Have a great rest of the weekend, xx Maike

  3. Da sind einige richtig tolle Aufnahmen dabei!


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